National Cooking Day

Yesterday was national cooking day and to celebrate that we decided to share some of our meal prepping secrets. Hope you enjoy, and you take the time out of your week to do this because in the long run it saves you a lot of time!

1. Use containers that are easy and compact to carry or fit into a lunchbox. This way when you're rushing out the door you won't be flustered while trying to shove your food into a bag and potentially spill it everywhere.

2. Try to incorporate as many healthy alterative as possible while cooking. It'll make you feel good throughout the week and you won't have any temptations to go to the vending machine because you'll have your healthy lunch all packed and ready to go!

3. Cut up multiple kinds of fruits and veggies to grab and throw into your lunch box. Eating the same sides every day gets boring.

4. Pack snacks to much on throughout the day so you don't have any temptations to go to the vending machine. You're supposed to be eating little meals throughout the day anyway, so healthy snacks are good!

5. Go on Pinterest! They have a ton of different ideas and tips to help with meal prepping in general, or if you have dietary restrictions.

Thanks for logging on today, we hope you try these tips out and find out how you like to meal prep! Leave us a comment for any tips you have for us!  Image Source


  1. Not too many suggestions about cooking, but we do agree a good container is needed. We once were on a rally and had a massive food spill because we had to slam on the brakes for a little critter in the road. Not only will it keep your grub fresh, but it can save you from a huge mess.


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