Exploring the World of a Non-Meat Diet

Being a vegetarian comes with a lot of up's and down's. The downside is you're not allowed to have boneless buffalo wings anymore, but the good side is you're not allowed to have boneless buffalo wings anymore. You get it. Carbs are not our friends! My boss recently told me he's fed up with my vegetarian food choices because apparently there's more to the non-meat diet than just bread and noodles.
Let me tell you, I love noodles are much as the next person but my boss (He's a chef) gets so upset with me for not expanding out of my comfort food options. He plated a pumpkin mac and cheese in front of me and I was not looking to dive into it. He said, and I quote: "There is no trying it. There's just taking it and eating it." He's hard to comprehend sometimes but I knew what he meant. So, I took my fork expanded my mind and dove in. Pumpkin seriously tastes like nothing. I had a whole chunk on my plate and after picking out all the spirals around it I didn't have a hint of what pumpkin was actually supposed to do for this dish. He came back, he knew I hadn't given it a fair chance and he sat me down and gave me the talk. He said "Taryn, what does pasta have in it? Carbs, yes that's right. Now I'm the last person to be telling you, you need to eat healthy but as we get older we do. If you want to continue being a vegetarian you need to expand your horizons." He went on to tell me all of the things I'm missing out on and told me we're going to start next week on learning about the 'real world' of a non-meat diet. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for the opportunity but I'm going to miss my butter noodles.


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