My Favorite Thanksgiving Story

Hunting is not my thing, never has been and never will. The men in my family have a different preference. Everyone piles into their trucks with their guns and beards and hauls off to my uncle's chunk of land he owns in the middle of nowhere. I stupidly decided to go with one year. I bought a pair of camo overalls, an orange hat and jumped into my cousin's truck. Before we even got to the land Carter (my cousin) tells me he needs to use the bathroom. We stop a town over at a gas station and he pulls into a parking space. Being seventeen we weren't the best drivers but remembering to put the truck into the parking gear would probably be a given. Carter got out of the truck and in the passengers seat I start holding on for dear life because his truck starts moving! To this day the parking pole in the Almena gas station is still bent from his truck pulling forward with no driver.
So, I was not off to a good start with this whole hunting trip. We got to my uncle's everyone was their suited up and ready to go. I wasn't wearing enough orange to my dad made me wear his ugly orange, sweat covered sweatshirt that was fives times my size. I looked stupid, and it slowed my already dragging pace as we trudged through the woods trying to hoard out the deer in the brush. Their ended up bring a bear through the brush and everyone scrambled and me, being on my own, heard no one calling my name. Luckily I didn't get eaten but it was still frightening altogether. After that we all gathered by the shack and my cousin Vanessa needed to put of her hair. Out of all the men their with years of experience hunting she decides to ask me to hold her gun. I hold it wrong and everyone, all at once like they planned it, scream at me. I understand guns are dangerous but I believe that was over the top and I wanted to go home. I was cold, on the verge of tears and I never wanted to go hunting again. When we finally decided to go home my aunt had chili and cornbread ready for all of us brave hunters. I had done nothing that whole day but I felt accomplished and like I was apart of something. I still never wanted to go again but the food was good, the people were good and I got to do something I've never done before. I'm thankful for my family.

Do you have a good Thanksgiving story? Tell us in the comments below!


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