At Home Leg Workout Tips

I personally think working-out at home is so hard. Getting together the equipment, mats, time and motivation to do so is sometimes nearly impossible. Home is for relaxing not throwing on some spandex and sweating more than humanly possible. However, all we need to make some tea, throw on our workout shoes and stick it out. It's hard and time consuming but ladies, our bodies are TEMPLES. Let's start treating it like one, even just for one day a week eat your greens, drink your tea and throw on your leg warmers. I promise you, you got this. 

Tip 1: Throw on the TV. Watch something you enjoy, catch up on the series you're watching to distract yourself from how hard you're breathing and the time that's creeping so ungodly slow. 
Tip 2: Use your house. Do squats and sprints on the stairs. Use your couch for butt workouts, walls for wall sits, whatever you have to do. 
Tip 3: Always use good form. If you don't know the form you should be using, look it up. We don't need to lay on the floor for several hours awaiting your spouse to find you because you left your phone out of reach. Good form is so important, please don't hurt yourself. 
Tip 4: While your kids are outside playing do lunges across your yard back and forth. When you start to feel the burn keep going. You got this. 
Tip 5: Stretch before and after any form of workout! Make sure you're loose and ready to go, we don't have time in our schedule for pulled muscles. 

What tips do you have for at home workouts? Leave some in the comments below! 
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  1. I lift 5, 8 & 10 pound weights during any daytime tv show. If it's my favorite or so interesting then I do during commercials!


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