Why Music Makes You More Foucsed

Music is proven to make you more focused within the workplace and in the gym. If you need to pump up or just relax listen to a certain type of music that you can relate to. One of our worker's here at the Wellness Center has a boyfriend that really enjoys listen to hard rock and metal; and it keeps him motivated throughout the day to get his tasks done. Another employee really enjoys classical music when she's working, and pop when she's grinding hard in the gym. It's all up to what makes you comfortable and motivated. I personally enjoy bands like, The Foo Fighters and Nirvana, which falls under the alternative rock category. 
In our gyms we have a playlist that women are allowed to request songs to be on. As long as they're appropriate for the workout we're doing that day they get played throughout the workout. Listening to the correct music is vital for not only being motivated but for good mental health as well. It's proven that people who listen to upbeat songs are happier than those who don't, but if you prefer to listen to slower songs then do what make your comfortable and happy. We support you, we love music, give us some recommendations in the comments! 
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  1. I hate music when I workout! I still want to be apart of the group workouts and everything but music is not my thing. What about what I want and my needs? This is so not cool...

    1. Hello, you can still be apart of the group! We provide headphones if someone in the group opted out of wanting to listen to music. We accommodate to everyone's needs. Thank you for the feed back! Have a good day.


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