Dear Me

Dear Me, 

I want to thank you for being so courageous each and everyday with the choices we make. Getting up in the morning is sometimes the biggest challenge we have to face that day and I want to thank you for having the courage to do so, and on days where it's impossible to get up, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to rest. You pull me through bad days, you celebrate hard when we have good days. (Sometimes too hard, but it's okay.) Everyone says confidence is key and positivity is important, and it is, don't get me wrong, but hear me out. Bad days are okay. Asking for help is okay. You are okay, okay? Everyone's standards on smiling, being positive all the time, and putting on a nice face is bullshit. Take your anger, negative thoughts and bad days, and embrace them. Give them all around of applause because without all of those things we'd be weak at the knees and desperate in a time of need. All of these 'bad' things have given you an edge that makes you indefinitely intimidating. You get shit done. You do things with a purpose and I'm forever grateful for having a head on my shoulders through all we've been through together. You've taught me that having a face that's rough on the edges is okay because it weeds through all the fake people and you can walk through life with grace knowing nothing can stand in your way. Your kindness, mindset and the way you hold yourself is mesmerizing. You're doing great.   Love, Me

This was my letter to myself. Try writing a personalized letter to yourself and give us a hint of what you wrote in the comments below. Give yourself something to read throughout the week to keep yourself pushing forward.


  1. Wow, this was truly inspiring to read. Everyone should love themselves and it's important to have that type of reminder!


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