Thoughts on Sexuailzing Women's Halloween Costumes

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This particular topic is very controversial and if you're the kind of girl who enjoys wearing costumes that show off some skin, do it! We are not shaming women who go out  to look sexy on Halloween, we are just trying to get a point across that not all women's costumes need to be sexualized. An example we found was a 'sexy Abraham Lincoln' costume. Does that really need to have fishnets and a sparkly beard, we're not so sure. Keep reading to find out why we think sexualizing women's Halloween costumes is not always necessary.
You see, it's not just that the media and society is sexualizing these costumes, their putting thoughts into our heads. Feelings of shame, self-objectification and unworthiness. Women and young girls are looking at these shelves filled with tiny tube tops and booty shorts and automatically thinking they have to fit into them and if they don't look good doing so, they're ugly. What these women and girls don't realize is that society is lethal, and quite frankly stupid. Objectifying women is over. We're standing up for ourselves, we're letting all hell break loose and let me tell you, it's so satisfying to watching these amazing women break out of their shells and take on the world. Beauty is no longer pain, it's a lifestyle catered to each individual women. You're all doing wonderful, please, please, please do not let them bury their thoughts inside of your head.


  1. We agree! Some people love to be sexy, but there is always a line! You said it well Tare-It-Up!


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